
Hydrotherapy is a water-based therapy that uses steam, ice, cold and hot water, along with natural substances and minerals that has healing and cleansing properties, promoting your overall mental and physical wellbeing. It has numerous benefits including increased mobility, anti-inflammatory effects, cleansing, cellular regeneration, detoxification and stimulating the body for healing naturally. Hydrotherapy is used for many conditions including arthritis, autoimmune conditions, kidney stones, IBS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, migraines, neurological conditions, depression and sleep disorders.

Hydrotherapy Treatments At Earthy Include:

including ice cold and hot baths, helping with pain and reducing inflammation. Adding Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts to the bath can promote detoxification and aid with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

can provide a soothing effect to the body, increase circulation and reduce inflammation, which help with muscle stiffness and chronic pain. Herbs or aromatics are usually added to the wraps for detox and other therapeutic purposes.

Saunas use hot water steams rooms that open up pores and assist in detoxification through sweating. Toxins are released through sweat, skin pores and through the stimulation of lymphatic system for lymph drainage. The heat, while relaxing all muscles, increases mobility helping with chronic swelling and pain. The removal of toxins through sweating gives a natural anti-inflammatory and energizing effect.

uses a bath rich with natural mineral salts which is a natural intervention to treat fatigue, pain, sore muscles and to help in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.